This is not a financial advisor.

Rather, it is an experience of gaining control over our lives. 
A feeling of control

Our studies of the values and mental postures of consumers in this country have let us observe the continuous rise in the feeling of loss of control over our lives. This feeling – abetted by global trends over which we have no control (inflation, interest-rate hikes, the pandemic, climate change, the housing crisis, war, etc.) – represents an indisputable value-added for any brand, organization or professional able to offer their clients a sense of control.(you can read our article on the rising sense of disempowerment in the country).

A relationship as emotional as it is transactional!

We have found that the people who use the services of a financial advisor have a strong sense of control over their lives. Working with a financial advisor seems to counteract their tendency toward fatalism in response to our troubled times and to restore their confidence in the future.

Financial advisors do much more than make investment and trading suggestions. They make their clients feel that, by following their advisor’s financial advice, they can be in control of their lives.

Financial advisors establish a client relationship in which their clients can envision how they can control their destiny and achieve their long-term life plans.

The advisor becomes an extremely important anchor for anyone living with today’s uncertainties.


A need to get ahead

The confidence inspired by financial advisors also encourages their clients to express their inner “achiever.” Their clients are people who like to set challenges for themselves, push themselves further and seize every opportunity the times offer, no matter what. They want to succeed and be proud of their accomplishments.

The sense of control they get by controlling their personal finances gives them the impetus to tackle other personal challenges. 

These clients have higher-than-average incomes, although not markedly so.

A sustainable lifestyle

The clients of financial advisors are also conscious of the ecological and ethical issues of our time. They intend to take concrete action to personally make a difference on both these fronts.

They would welcome environmentally and socially responsible investments (as long as they are profitable, of course!).


The opportunity

It’s all about the sense of control that advisors communicate to and instill in their clients. The experience of working with a financial advisor must give clients the sense that they are in control of their finances and their long-term destiny.



The indices on this table compare regular Tim Hortons customers to the rest of the population and quantify the extent of their variance. At 100, these consumers would be similar to the general population.


What about your products and brands? Do they appeal to unsuspected needs? Is there an opportunity to make them more relevant to your target audiences?