A rising sense of loss of control.

Like if we were becoming less in control of ourselves!

Faced with the uncertainty and complexity of life, people have a growing sense of losing control over their lives. This feeling has risen steadily since 2010 and is still on the rise in 2021. But this last increase in 2021 could have been a lot worse considering the crisis people have been living through since March 2020. People have pulled themselves together; they have displayed resilience.

The feeling of losing control over one's life

Canada, 2010-2021, Panorama Study


A lack of control

The impression that nefarious forces are controlling their fate, thereby taking away their free will. Globalized markets, the digitization of the economy and every aspect of life, climate change, ethnic, social and even sexual diversity, and now COVID-19! Our world is changing too fast for some people, and they perceive these new challenges as personal threats.

They are seeking tools, guides and steps to follow, as well as comfort and escape.

The opportunity for brands, companies and institutions

The best approach is to offer experiences that provide a greater sense of control in areas where that is possible. In health care, finance, wellness, food, etc.: all kinds of user experiences and apps can help users gain a greater sense of control (which will be greatly appreciated).

Apps that complement the users’ product or service experience are an ideal way to give users more control over how they use a brand, and thus increase their engagement.

Escape when control isn’t possible!

When it is not obvious how to offer control experiences to customers who are suffering from a loss of control over their lives, escape is the way to go.

Faced with a hostile world over which they have little control, they will welcome pleasant brand experiences, escape and pleasure.